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Displaying results 11 - 20 of 44

Occupation Description
Security Officer Patrols and guards industrial and commercial property, railway yards, stations and other facilities. Registration or licensing may be required.
Security Officers and Guards Nec This occupation group covers Security Officers and Guards not elsewhere classified. Registration or licensing may be required. Occupations include: Bodyguard
Senior Non-commissioned Defence Force Member Implements and enforces directives of commissioned officers of the Australian or New Zealand Defence Forces. This occupation includes the following ranks: Air Force: Flight Sergeant, Sergeant, Warrant Officer, Warrant Officer of the Air Force. Army: Regimental Sergeant Major of the Army, Sergeant, Warrant Officer Class 1, Warrant Officer Class 2; Navy: Chief Petty Officer, Petty Officer, Warrant Officer, Warrant Officer of the Navy
Sheetmetal Trades Worker Marks out, shapes, forms and joins sheetmetal and other materials to make products and components.
Ship's Engineer Controls and manages the operation and maintenance of a ship's plant and equipment. Registration or licensing is required.
Ship's Master Controls and manages the operations of a ship or boat. Registration or licensing is required.
Shipwright Constructs, fits out and repairs ships. Registration or licensing is required.
Shoemaker Makes and repairs boots or shoes.
Signwriter Designs, fabricates and paints signs for displays, buildings, hoardings, boats and structures. Registration or licensing may be required.
Slaughterer Stuns and kills livestock, and prepares carcasses for further processing by removing internal organs and hides.