Browse by occupation
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Displaying results 1 - 10 of 40
Occupation | Description |
Painter (Visual Arts) | Conceives and creates visual art forms, such as pictures, abstract designs and similar compositions, to communicate impressions and ideas. This occupation requires high levels of creative talent or personal commitment and interest as well as, or in place of, formal qualifications or experience. |
Painting Trades Worker | Applies paint, varnish, wallpaper and other finishes to protect, maintain and decorate surfaces of buildings and structures. Registration or licensing may be required. |
Panelbeater | Repairs damage to metal, fibreglass and plastic body work on vehicles and forms replacement vehicle panels. Registration or licensing may be required. |
Paper and Pulp Mill Operator | Operates plant to produce paper pulp from woodchips and to make paper sheets. |
Paper and Pulp Mill Worker | Performs routine tasks in a paper and pulp mill such as placing logs onto conveyors for chipping, and loading woodchip and pulp for processing. |
Park Ranger | Assists in controlling a State or national park, scenic area, historic site, nature reserve, recreation area or conservation reserve in accordance with authorised policies and priorities. |
Pastrycook | Prepares and bakes buns, cakes, biscuits and pastry goods. |
Pastrycook's Assistant | Assists a Pastrycook by performing routine tasks in the kitchen such as preparing ingredients, and cleaning and storing equipment. |
Pathology Collector | Extracts, collects, labels and preserves blood and other specimens from patients for laboratory analysis. |
Paving Plant Operator | Operates plant to spread and level hot bituminous paving materials and lay concrete on areas such as highways, roads and car parks. Registration or licensing is required. |