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Please note that only the head office of the training provider is shown. For further information regarding alternative delivery locations or options including online training, please contact the relevant training provider.

To find TAFE Queensland, enter the search term "TAFE Queensland".

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Search results

Under the VET Investment Plan you are expected to carefully consider your training options and compare different providers and their fees before committing to a course of study.

Displaying results 271 - 280 of 337

No. Reg. No. Training Provider Website Telephone Funded
1 30548 Scripture Union Australia Ministries 0731126444 Yes
2 91732 Sea School International Pty Ltd 1300666416 Yes
3 7074 Seafood Training Tas 0362860400 Yes
4 31299 Site Skills Training 0419903395 Yes
5 1607 Skill360 Australia 0474767287 Yes
6 0709 SkillCentred 0438774883 Yes
7 41008 Skills Generation 1800838295 Yes
8 70211 Skillstrain Pty Ltd 0407398526 Yes
9 5710 Smartskill Pty Ltd 0732790656 Yes
10 22394 Sportsready Education Pty Ltd as trustee for the Sportsready Education Unit Trust 0384133528 Yes