Product Grader


Grades primary produce by evaluating individual items or batches against established standards and records results.


Most occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with the qualifications and experience outlined below. AQF Certificate II or III (ANZSCO Skill Level 4)


  • studying product specifications and taking measurements to determine conformity to specifications
  • examining and marking output for visible defects such as cracks, holes and breakages
  • making minor repairs and adjustments to products
  • compiling quality assurance reports, maintaining documentation and reporting findings
  • examining products for defects and grading produce
  • designating grading of produce and recording details of assessments according to classification system
  • collecting and labelling samples for inspection
  • recording details of sampling procedures and sources of samples
  • preparing samples and carrying out prescribed tests


  • Fruit and Vegetable Classer
  • Meat Grader
  • Milk and Cream Grader
  • Timber Grader

Related Occupations

Source: 1220.0 - ANZSCO - Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations, First Edition.
Note: The tasks associated with the occupation are to be used as guidance only. The tasks listing may include tasks associated with the grouping/category to which the occupation belongs.